
  A few weekends ago we went on a little trip up to Shenandoah with our friends Cary and Lauren Ning (an explanation of our relation to the Nings). It was sooooooo cold up there, you could see a line of brown about half way up the mountain showing springs progession, it was pretty rad. 
  Spring here is definitely not Arizona spring (duh, kelcie)! I never thoughts I'd miss the orange blossoms that I'm so allergic to. Turns out I'm twice as allergic to EVERYTHING out here, no joke! Like, I layer my allergy meds, I'm taking 3 different kinds right now, at the same time, errrrrr day. (nice little tangent there).
  Taylor is officially done with his first year of his MBA! One down, one to go! I could not be more proud of him! He's so focused and motivated and it's super sexy! 
 FYI: I know, I just told you how cold it was on our little day trip up to the mountains, yet you will notice Taylor is indeed wearing a beach towel. NO, we did not go swimming is the waterfall behind us. 
 As you may (or may not) know, Kelcie is tiny. Tiny people, if you weren't aware, do not typically have as much muscle or fat to keep them warm. Also, Kelcie didn't check the weather and was wearing her gym clothes and a light sweater, thus she needed extra warmth, in the form of the only thing available in the Ning's trunk...a beach towel. Now, this beach towel was originally wrapped around Kelcie's shoulder's, HOWEVER, about a mile or so into the couple's treacherous (not really) hike Kelcie's pumping blood and burning calories warmed her up. No longer needing the towel for warmth, her sweet and caring husband offered to carry it for her. Thank you, sweet, kind, caring, hunky husband! 
  We were actually asked more than once if we were swimming, people thought we were in-sane in the mem-brane. Also, people here hike in their everyday jeans, it was really weird.
 I would like to ask you all to pause for a moment and appreciate Taylor's rippling muscles, he's rockin'. That is all.

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