January- Month Four

    The months are FLYING by, its so not fair! I saw a little 8 week old baby at the gym today and I literally got tears in my eyes, TEARS! Winona was that little only a few months ago, and now look at her! She's growing too fast, and its wonderful, and fun, and exciting, and if we're being honest..a lotta bit sad at the same time.

    January was just so much fun! And so busy! For some reason I thought having a baby I'd be less busy because I'd be stuck at home or whatever I thought. It has been SO busy! Zoo dates, park dates, mall dates, family dates, Gilmore Girl dates (obviously with Winona, not Taylor). Honestly, I feel I've made some of the best mama friends around and I love having girl friends! And I love that Winona will grow up with little baby friends! SO. FUN. The beginning of January we were in Jackson Hole for New Years and family time and it was perfect! 

    This month also brought a lot of firsts, and a lot of changes!
- First tummy to back roll-over (1.25.2015 at 16 weeks old)
-First back to tummy roll-over (2.4.2015 just before her 4 month birthday (monthday? also, I know I say January, December, whatevs...I count from the 6th to the 6th, so you'll get a little of the next month in each post..just simplifying things)
-Started REALLY chewing ON EVERYTHING, especially her ball toy, sophie, and her fists, and its not sucking, its gnawing, biting. I guess she was doing this in December, but it turned a little obsessive this month.
-THE wiggliest! She's moved several feet just wiggling, not rolling, or crawling..just squirming, its pretty impressive!
-She is super hyper observant. Loves to watch me eat (like, she tracks the food from the plate/glass into my mouth). And really pays attention to picture books!
-Loves her squats just like her mama. Her favorite games are peek-a-boo and airplane! Sometimes she'll pull her wubby over her face and literally shake in excitement waiting for someone to ask "where's Winona??", I LOVE IT!
-Graduated out of the swaddle! She was breaking out of EVERY swaddle (we tried all those fancy velcro ones and everything) within minutes, so we decided it was time. At first she had a hard time falling asleep without it. Crying it out didn't work, she would cry for 10 minutes and then just start playing. But she's a champ now! And actually I think she's sleeping better without it! It takes her a little while to fall asleep, but she can, and then she's only been waking up around 3;30-4am to eat, and then not again until around 7:30.
-Is the best conversationalist around, loves to chat, and squeal. She's been compared to a dolphin, and a hot tea kettle. Both are accurate.
- I CAN EAT COW'S DAIRY AGAIN! She grew out of her reflux issues and we have ZERO issues when I eat butter, or milk, or milkshakes, or cheese! It's fantastic!
-Has to wear a bib every day (this isn't new, I just don't think I've documented it before.) to catch all her spit, drool, etc.
-Size 6-12 month clothing, depending on the brand
-Size 3 diapers (she has a big booty)
-Loves everyone, doesn't have any issues with strangers and loves to be held by new people (have had one or two exceptions to this, which have been so odd..I don't know why, it's really only happened twice.) LOVES puppies, her own and Auntie Stephanie's two goldens!
-Her feet are so freakishly long I had to go buy 1-2yr old socks because every other pair won't fit over her heel!

    At her four month appointment, Winona had to get more shots. Boo. But she did okay! I took some great advice from my cousin Michelle and right when we got home I filled the bath up and let her kick for a good half hour. Then I massaged her legs with lotion afterwards to help the medicine move out of her chunky baby thighs. It seemed to help a lot! She was still a little clingy/cuddly, but without the screaming, which made mama so happy! This photo was taken before the shots, but it was like she knew what was coming, poor thing. 

Winona at four months old:
14 lbs 13 oz
24 3/4 inches
16 1/4 inch head

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