we now return to our regularly scheduled programming

Last night Taylor gently reminded me its about time I post again. I couldn't agree more!
January was a busy busy month. February so far has been insane. And I'm currently realizing how quickly this semester may fly by, especially if we continue to be this busy!

Our January began like most do, with a slight twist. 
There were roughly 20 people at our home the night of December the 31st 2011. We had just finished an arousing game of "Celebrity" when the countdown began. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!
We proceeded to the back porch, where I proceeded to very nearly blow my entire hand off via firecracker.
There are two perspectives on the event:
1. The night was crisp and cool, the sound of the party guests laughter filled the air. The whole gang had gone outside where the handsome host, Sir Taylor, had elegantly arranged a multitude of explosives for the guests to engage themselves with. Sparklers were filling the air with thick smoke and dancing flares of brilliant light. In the midst of the activity, I was handed a firecracker. A most glorious, and beautiful firecrackers, whose sounds, I knew, would fill the air with tiny gun shots. Jeremy had just lit a match with which to ignite the remaining sparklers. I extend my right hand, firecracker grasped tightly, to light the fuse. Ssttttttssssssss. 
I was about to toss said firecracker, when out of nowhere someone stepped in front of me. I tried to change the direction of my release, but I held onto the sizzling time bomb one. second. too. long.
I knew in that instant I had to let go, I dropped the dreaded object and jumped out of the way, but it was too late. I look down at my hand, black as coal, and try to feel my fingers. No luck. It takes a second for the pain to register. All around me people rush to my aid. 
The rest of the night is spent being grateful my hand is still attached to the rest of me.

2. Everything from above, except not one soul stepped in front of me, everyone knows it, and I look like a huge idiot when I confidently blurt out "Taylor! Why did you step in front of me!". I knew the moment I said it that it was a lie. My sweet, forgiving, husband rushes me inside to ice and dress my wound.
The party winds down {probably because I killed it} and our lovely guests help clean up while I sit on the couch complaining.

So to our wonderful New Years guests: I am so grateful that I didn't burn my hand at the beginning of the night :). The party was a huge success and lot of fun and it was so nice to spend time with all of you!

The rest of our January was extremely busy. I started my final semester of school, and a new internship. Taylor continued on his projects at work {doing a fine job if I do say so myself!}. We took a trip to Washington D.C. to check out Georgetown University and get a feel for our soon-to-be-new-home!
February so far has been just as busy {if not more} than January was. This semester is by far my hardest {in the sense that I have almost no time for myself, hence the two month gap between posts}. 
Taylor finished a home remodel {feel free to check it out! Him and his office did a beautiful job! Take the tour here}.
Taylor and I are continuing our training for the Ragnar Relay {Del Sol} on February 24th-25th. We are so so so so excited...to be done! We both have realized that running is a lot more fun when you don't HAVE to do it. Maybe I'll feel differently after the race {I'm told I will}, we'll see.
For the next few months I'll be studying for my final NIC exam, and doing my best to get straight A's. Taylor will continue his work, as well as preparing to enter the MBA program at Georgetown in the Fall.
We are so excited about all the new adventures coming up for us! {ie: my graduating and actually starting a CAREER{scary word}, moving to D.C., Taylor starting the MBA program, and who knows what else!}
