That JUST happened!

At 7:35 my telephone rings. Not expecting a call from anyone I am in no rush to answer. I look at the screen, 'Robinson Casa'. Curiosity killed the cat.
I answer to a hysterical Susan {aka Mother-in-Law} asking for her son, I inform her that he is at the gym, and through her panic I understand 'theres a snake!'

at this point I start to chuckle under my breath, it is a well known fact that Susan is deathly afraid of snakes, I hear my sister-in-law sus in the background, who is also {apparently} deathly afraid of snakes. I offer my services, get dressed {because in case you didn't know I have a policy regarding fewer clothes than acceptable when not in public} and rush to the Biltmore to rescue my wonderful 2nd family from the evil snake. I have caught so many garter snakes it's nothing to me so I'm happy to help.

I arrive at the Robinson residence to find Mamma Robinson as far from the creature as possible, and a panicked {terrified, sweating bullets, hysterical} Susie trying to stay calm.
"it's upstairs under a Tupperware!" I'm informed, and I take the stairs two at a time.

I reach the snake..

and ALMOST laugh, and then remember that their fear is absolutely real, and probably not a good idea to poke fun at it.. Clearly plastic I pick up the snake, you can see dust gathering on it and that the paint has worn off. I try to politely agree with Susan and Susie that, yes, it totally looks real {not} and yes it could have been a dead snake {not} which is just as scary {not really}...

oh how I love little moments like these :)

A song of Wyoming for me

Dear Wyoming {specifically Jackson},
You are the true wild west, you are authentic and spectacular. You have mountains, and rivers, and prairies, and forests, and lakes, admit it, you have EVERYTHING. The only thing you could possibly be lacking it good hot lake weather, but I could deal with that if you promised to love me forever and treat me nice. I'm sure if I were to move to you I could own a horse, that would be pretty neat, I'd like that quite a bit. I also think it'd be kind of fun to eat all your yummy food my whole life, and look out my window at your beauty every morning, I suppose I could get used to it. I regret to tell you that you and I may never be together aside from our little conference weekend affairs, however, you are always in my heart.
sincerely, Kelcie

{more on Wyoming at a later date, possibly tomorrow :)}


Levi & Micah, no Micah is not taller, yes the ground was slanted

So I've been told many a time that I was a late bloomer....that is a falsity, no one has ever told me that, but I AM a late blogger! The twins {or if you must know, Levi and Micah, my youngest two brothers} came to stay with Taylor and I approximately two weekends ago!

We had a TON of fun with these boys! And I will forever be their favorite sibling! {I couldn't say sister because, well, I'm their only sister so of course I'm their favorite :)} I took them to the Science Center, they had their first ever Light Rail ride, I gave them DRIVING lessons {even though their only 13, I'll say it again, best sister {sibling} ever! right here! me!} Taylor and I took them to the lake! {no pictures, I get nervous taking photos with my iPhone around water, and our camera's battery charger went missing...} I know for a fact I've left out several things, but you get the idea! We had fun!

Micah thinks its cool to pretend to smoke, let me tell you boys and girls, it is not.

you better believe it! {I never said I grew up..}

Oh, you thought Levi and Micah were the twins? no, ME and Micah, jay kay, jaykay

Racing wheelchairs

And last but not least I would like to explain a little something about twins...

All twins in the world must sleep with their heads together. Why, you ask? Just because, thats the way it is.

They also must sleep with the same exact facial expression, or else.

Jackson Hole, you complete me!

We made it to Jackson Hole!! oh how I love Jackson Hole, it maketh my soul rejoice! Conference this afternoon was great {although I only heard about 2 of the talks all the way through, I was tiiiired}

I haven't found any time to blog about our weekend with Micah and Levi, but I will eventually!!

I have my IPP interview on Wednesday, so wish me luck! I hope you all are having a lovely weekend, and hopefully enjoying some general conference! I promise to catch up on everything as soon as I find some time {Jackson is not the place for this, I only wanted to say hello real quick :)}!!!!