it's february...

     So, as you may have noticed, I'm turrible {as my good friend Charles Barkley would say} at updating this blog. I have a lot of good excuses for this:

1. I don't really have a focus with this blog, it's kind of just a modge podge of stuff that happens, but doesn't have much clarity or organization.

2. I literally leave for work at 6:30 in the morning, and often I don't get home until after 9. When exactly am I supposed to blog? Every MINUTE that I am home I would really like to spend with know?

3. I'm not a photographer, I don't take beautiful photos...I'm working on it, promise

4. As an interpreter I have to wear a lot of solid colors, no pink, no yellow, no patterns, no jeans. Professional dress, but comfortable enough that I walk several miles a day {meaning I take it easy on the heels these days...and I literally only have, like, 3 pairs of flats, so who wants to show those off? not I}. What I'm trying to say here, is that I don't find my work attire very fashionable, nor do I care to go spend money on cute professional, fashionable clothing, because let's face it, as an interpreter one of the requirements is to basically be invisible. Thus, this cannot be a fashion blog.

5. I don't have any littles. Otherwise, believe you me, this blog would be packed with thousands upon thousands of baby photos. I guaran.damn.tee it.

6. I kind of suck at writing anyways, and no one reads this yeah.

Rant Complete

Now, lets play catch up...without photos :)
     Christmas ROCKED this year. Phoenix was perfect, and we had so much fun with both families! I met my niece Oakleigh and about died, cause she's that cute. We ate RITOS! oh man, I miss that place.
Now that we're home, it's nice to sleep in our own bed and have our puppies back from the kennel, Taylor is back to the grindstone, and I'm working my tail off so we can put money in savings {muay importante}.
     Last month we took a trip to Lancaster county with Savanna and Kigan, had a fun little Superbowl party {with Savanna and Kigan}, and {I} watched P.S. I Love You with Savanna {Not Kigan}. 
     This month has been a lot of work, a lot of school, Taylor had a real estate competition in NC, Brent and Christy came for a conference and spend a couple days with us {they are favorites around these parts} and that brings us to today! With nothing exciting to report.