June- Month Nine

-STANDINGand WALKING on the furniture! and in her pack 'n play!!
- Graduated to sink baths!
- Crawling like a mad woman
- Graduated from ISR! Skills: can roll onto her back and float from being placed straight up in the water, face down in the water, flipped over above the water, fall in from deck, fall off step, and all with her clothes and diaper on! I am SO proud of my brave, strong, smart baby girl!
- Learned to climb up the stairs! Uh Oh!
- Had a fun visit from Grandma and Grandpa McClellan! We don't get to see them very often because every one is so busy, but when we do it's lots of fun!
- Beach house week with the Robinson's and Daniel's, had a blast in San Clemente with all the cousins! We usually do a House Boat on Lake Powell this time of year, but with all the little babies crawling around, it was decided that we switch to something a little more kid-safe for now! The weather was gorgeous, the beach was SO fun. Winona LOVES the sand, and LOVES the cold ocean water!!
- Winona now has 6 teeth! 
- Loves to climb on everything, doesn't love to fall nearly as much.
- Lots of sas and tude!
- Moved her pack 'n play into our bathroom now that she's standing up, so that we all can get a little more sleep (we just can't use the bathroom during nap time or at night now...can't TELL you how excited I am to have our own place!!)
- Loves to click her tongue and smack her lips
- WALKING with a push toy!(end of the month)
- No more snuggling unless she's extreeeeeemely tired
- Smiles for the camera!! or Phone!! 
- No longer need to rock her to sleep, in fact, she refuses to sleep in mine or anyone else's arms now !! (insert crying emoji here) it's SO sad! I have to just put her down, walk away and close the door! I never thought I would miss rocking her to sleep for naps, but I do now! I know it's so silly, and anyone else would probably be singing the hallelujah chorus right now, but that was really the only time (besides nursing) when I would get any snuggles, and now it's gone and over :( I almost feel like crying about it as I write this!! She won't fall asleep in our bed with us anymore either! DOUBLE CRY!! 

**ready for ANOTHER photo dump? it's massive**

^^my brother Dallin's wife had twin girls (Hurley: green, Coral:pink) a couple month's before Winona was born and now that they're old enough to interact with each other it's so fun to get together and watch them play! Winona was in heaven playing with other babies she can keep up with! Plus they're all reaaaaaally cute to look at!! ^^

^^the first time in a few months that Winona has fallen asleep in the car, and it was on our way to California. I was dreading the drive because she can only handle her carseat for about 40 minutes before she loses her mind. She only slept for about 30 minutes during the 6 hour drive, so she lost two naps that day, and it wasn't a pretty drive. I had to stay in the back seat with her the whole time, and she is not quiet in expressing her hatred for the car. But she sure is pretty!!^^

^^Winona and her cousin Adalyn (or Addy) at the beach house! They're 9 months apart, and currently playing together inside the big house at home :) they're buddies and we love it!^^

 ^^Winona LOVES her big cousin Annie, and Annie is SO helpful and wonderful with her!^^

^^Davis and Boston on the bike/running trial, these boys were also VERY good with Winona! Boston would sit with her and just talk and play for 30 minutes and at a time, and Winona saved all her best smiles for him! We love you Boss!!^^

^^One day while in California, Pat (Red shirt, next to Taylor) took the boys golfing, half of them hadn't brought golf worthy attire on the trip, they were a rag tag bunch if there ever was one^^

 ^^these are all out of order...who cares! Simon is so sweet and always wants to hold Winnie...unfortunately, it's usually when she doesn't want to be held...but he caught a break and got a few seconds in before she started protesting!^^

 ^^Addy is so sassy! They call her the Princapessa, and for good reason! So glad there's another baby girl around so her and Winona can grow up BFFs!!^^

^^I did not put her there or pose her or anything, she just liked crawling on the boogie and surf boards! it was too cute to not get a photo of!^^
 ^^this photo made me realize I need more supportive swim tops...I don't necessarily feel great about my body in a swim suit right now, BUT I love Winona's smile in this photo, I love that someone captured us raw when we were just having a good time as a family with our favorite Annie Valentine!!^^

^^Bishop, sweet red headed asian toddler Bishop^^

 ^^Oh Hank, Hank has my heart. I don't think I've written this down, and it's old news but it should be documented. At Thanksgiving 2014 Hank was at the kids table talking with his cousins "you guys, my mom is in love with me, but...I'm in love with Kelcie" (!!??!!??!!??!!) I mean, all the heart eyes for this guy, right? HE'S IN LOVE WITH ME!! I'm in love with you too Hank! Just, second to Taylor of course ;) ^^
^^SHE DOES NOT DO THIS WITH ME, I was soooo jealous. and it lasted a good 5 minutes or longer, lucky Nate. Unlucky Mama^^

 ^^We had a birthday party of sorts for all the summer birthdays in the family (there are MANY), and the kids had a silly string and water balloon fight, here's Simon being silly #nofilter!!^^

^^Winona took a break from her independent sleep the week we were in California. While she was at the time sleeping from 7:30pm to 7am waking once to eat around 4am at HOME, away from home she wasn't quite the good sleeper, and was up every 2 hours. Not necessarily hungry, just wanting to be held, so she spent the majority of each night there in our little queen sized bed with us, I can't say I was too mad about the extra cuddles...cramped and tired? YES! Mad about it? NO...any chance I get to snuggle with my long skinny thing, I'll take!^^

Winona Ann at 9 months:
(wiggly, not willing to lay on her quilt for our monthly photo...ahh well.)
16.5 lbs
27.75 inches tall
17.25 inch head

1 comment :

  1. She's such a cutie! I'm laughing because I'm pretty sure my Addie is the same height, and she's 2. But your Winnie is so adorable, and you always have her in the cutest outfits!
