March- Month Six

I can't believe it's the middle of July and I'm only just now posting from March. Pretty lame. March was a fantastic month, and because I waited so long I mostly forgot everything that, go Kelcie. I know Winona got her first two teeth in March, and they tricked us, they came in overnight with no warning, leading me to believe that all her teeth would follow suite, NOT the case. She started army crawling ON her 6th monthday, and if you follow me on Instagram I posted a hilarious video showing her flawless technique (insert cry-laugh emoji). She had this funny side pose she was doing too that was pretty durned cute, in everyone's opinion, and overall it was just a really cute, really hilarious month, watching Winona Ann grow. It's so insane how fast everything changes, this was also the month she stopped snuggling, it was the month she tried avocados for the first time; it's like she hit all these huge milestones (for her and me) all at once, and then it just kept going, and it's hard for me to believe that 6 months old was 3 months ago now.

**edit** up until this appointment Winona was on the bigger side, but her growth evened out and at 6 months she was "average" as far as height and weight go. Other things I remember now from March:
- Winona started making the BEST dinosaur noises you've ever heard! I'm not joking, it's amazing (she still does this, we call her a Winonasaurus)
- Rolling and Scooting were her go to's most of the month of March, and she would strike this silly little side pose all the time, it was hilarious, there are photos of it on my IG and in our Chatbooks
- She did this crunch thing a lot, like she was working on her abs. She would just lay on her back and crunch for several seconds at a time, it looked like she was trying to do boat pose, it was awesome.
- Always wanted to be moving, wouldn't sit on her own for more than a second or two, because she would just flop back, roll over and start trying to go somewhere
- Would pull all the pots and pans off their shelf if I let her, and anytime I started cooking she would immediately go get "her" pot and carry it around in her race-car/walker like she was helping me cook
- STILL nursing every 2 hours, on the dot.
- Started solids: Avocados, chocolate chip pancakes (to celebrate her first two teeth, of course!), didn't like bananas...most just milkies though

Winona Ann at 6 months:
25.5 inches tall
15 lbs 7 oz
16.75 inch head

1 comment :

  1. Ha ha ha, doing crunches even after she got shots??!!....what a tough girl!
