Oh Jackson

Conference weekend was PERFECT! Not only did I get a lot from the talks, but I got to be in my favorite place in the world, Jackson Wyoming, with my favorite person in the world {TAYLOR} for 4 days! 

Jackson was gorgeous! Thank you Sam and Susan for inviting us every conference! While we were up in the true wild west we turned off our phones and forgot about work and school, it was just what I needed! I've been having a tough semester, I am an A student, I put 100% of myself into everything I do, and I never turn in work that I don't feel I did my absolute best on, so its been hard when my 100% effort gets me 80% grades {and a couple below :/} but going up to Jackson Hole was just what I needed to put things in perspective.

I realized that education is important, and as long as I feel like I'm progressing and learning it doesn't matter what my grade is, a C does not define me {and luckily this time I am able to redo the assignment to improve my grade, C's do not sit well with me!}. I know I'm in school to LEARN, I don't want a full time career and especially when I have children I don't want to be away at work while they grow up without me there, I do understand that that scenario is a perfect world, and I would like to help my husband support our family, but not full time or if it is full time, not away from home. I believe that I'm in school for ASL not necessarily to become an interpreter {though that may be the case for a few years before we start our family} but to improve a skill that I can use to SERVE others, and that's what I intend on doing.
Of course I believe in setting goals, and I believe in achieving great and difficult things, but my goals have a different purpose than I thought they did before this weekend. I don't know how to explain it, but I know I'm learning these skills not only for my benefit but so I can use ASL to benefit others as well, I've known since I was 17 that my college experience would teach me skills that I would someday use to serve others and I know that service is the whole point now, not money, not a job, but skills that enable me to serve.

While we were in Jackson we went to the annual Quilting in the Tetons quilt show. It was so inspiring to see what people are capable of! I've been wanting to start quilting for a while now, and I have several quilting ideas that I want to tackle, but its been hard to find the time to get into it, but after seeing these beauties I think I'll challenge myself and just dive right into it!

{warning: the following photos are evidence of my inability to take good photographs}

{there are no two alike blocks in this entire quilt! AND it was hand appliqued with the edges under, the whole thing!}

{this was Taylor's favorite, and my tied-favorite with the quilt above it}

Some funny things we learned this weekend:
1. Ever since I started learning to interpret ASL to ENG I've been talking like a Deaf person signs, I emphasize and reiterate EVERYTHING and I using contrasting {"it was HUGE, not small at all" actual quote from my mouth!} a lot more! If you have ever interpreted you know what I'm talking about. Taylor though it was pretty funny...me not so much.
2. I am shameless {and should probably look around for cars before doing something pervocative towards my husband..}
3. Flies in Jackson are bigger and louder than flies in Arizona, and I hate them
4. French people who make chocolates are snooty, but their chocolates are delish

I wish I had more pictures to share but as shown above I am NOT a photographer, and I'm pretty embarrassed to share the other pictures I took, because they are awful. 

I'm so grateful that we were able to go to Jackson Hole this weekend, I feel like my high from our trip could maybe possibly get me through the rest of the semester now! Maybe that I've been able to recognize my perfectionism I'll be able to keep in under control {not likely, but there's a chance}
If you'd like to know more about what we learned this weekend click here

1 comment :

  1. My mom is a quilter. I do not have the patience for it, but she is great. Good luck with your endeavor! :) I love that second quilt too!
    Good luck with your semester! (I heard the program is pretty rough!) And it's so refreshing to have the change of perspective. Funny how it can make the same situation seem so different!
