time flies

Yesterday, on our drive to the gym, Taylor stated, matter of factly, "I have 11 more days of work".
11. 3 days off next week for our D.C. trip. Then Lake Powell at the end of the month. Mexico the first week of July, and right when we get back, the 3 day drive (get-er-done) to D.C. 
It's such a big deal for me, moving. I love it, I love change. I'm excited for my first big-girl interpreting job. I'm excited to make new friends, to go to a new ward [although, I am also extremely sad to leave the H. kiddos :/ ]...new everything!
Taylor and I are SO excited! We are so blessed that everything has worked out the way it has. We are so blessed that Taylor got accepted to Georgetown, and that all the signs pointed us in the right direction. We are so blessed that my internship interview turned into a job offer. We are so blessed to have that gut feeling that we're making good choices, and that we're on the right path.
I'm so thankful for the spirit, for the overwhelming sense of joy I've been feeling the past few weeks.

I'm also pretty excited to be Taylor's sugar mamma for a couple years :) I think that deserves a few bragging rights...right?