I'm sure it would help

Sometimes, I wish I could have a secret blog...where I could vent and vent and vent and no one would know it was me, but I could get EVERYTHING out and feel a little better...

I want to be like you when I grow up..

I realized today how incredibly remarkable mothers are.
I've been at the DeCrow residence since 7 this morning, my usual is just watching/working with the little T-man..but today I have all FOUR of them! Let me tell you, this is tough! I'm sure it would be okay, but T-man happens to have autism, and he's terribly grumpy today...but even if all four little people were "typical" it's still a super busy job! Coordinating naps, trying to keep everyone entertained and happy, plus changing diapers, taking T potty, deciding how many movies are really appropriate in one day, and trying to do hab work and keep on top of T's goals and not just let him watch movies (10 min, then a new one, like he asks) and eat chips.
I hope to be as awesome of a mon as Molly one day! She is so good with her kiddos! I'm not nearly as good at entertaining as she is!

props to every mom out there who has a child with autism and still stays on top of it and sane! I'm grateful today that I have patiences, if I didn't today wouldn't be nearly as fun as it has been!! :)

Thank you to every MOM out there, what a beautiful callig in life, the opportunity to be a momma is so special!
Thank you mom for being such an awesome one!

Lonely, oh so Lonely..

So, I know this is completely irrational, but I, Kelcie McClellan Robinson, 21, wife of Taylor Robinson...am scared of the dark.

I know, childish, its not ALL the dark, just dark church hallways, dark bathrooms, dark closets, dark kitchens, dark outsides, and especially the dark when I'm alone.
When Taylor is here I'm fine, but being alone, in the dark..scares me. So tonight I am sleeping with all of my lights on, yes I went around and checked all the doors, four times, I also turned on every light and opening every door/cabinet to make sure no one was hiding {I had a baseball bat in one hand and my pepper spray in the other, don't worry, I wouldn't open those doors unprepared}. I just miss Taylor, and I wish someone would come stay with me...hopefully I can get someone to, or chances are I will not sleep tonight.

Now that I'm done confessing my pathetic fear I would like everyone to know how tough I am.
For instance, I've taken enough kick boxing that I could probably beat you in a fight..I cut my finger pretty bad the other day, and did NOT cry..I like to play in the dirt {I'm not too girly to get messy}...and, thats about it...Don't judge!

Anyone want to come have a sleepover??  Ladies? anyone, anyone?

And so it begins...

My intended schedule for school was as follows:
class starts at 8:15am, continuous back to back classes until 8pm on Tuesday and Thursday, full day, 17 credits. Three days before class starts I get a phone call..My 3-5 class has been cancelled, the only other day that class is available is m-w-f mornings for 8 weeks at the end of the semester {the days I work} in the morning. Okay, fine, I can deal with that! 8 weeks, no biggie! now I have a huge gap between class #2 and class #4 {or should I now say #3} but I can find SOMETHING to do. So I switch my schedule and go to class. 

First class=awesome, will be SO fun. Second class= disaster {my definition of, that being:} the online description said "designing floor plans, elevations, interior elevations using AutoCAD" {preface: I took 4 years of Drafting, 1 1/2 being drawing, the remainder AutoCAD, I also worked drafting for my Uncle Daniel the summer between junior and senior year of high school} but as I was sitting at my computer waiting for class to start, so excited to do home plans {again} I received the disappointed of my life{this semester anyway} the class is NOT CAD, well, not until the last 2 weeks of class, in fact this class is a beginner drafting class {NOT what the description said AT ALL} and for the first half of the semester we will be learning such things as 'how to draw a straight line with freehand' uhduh, 'how to correctly use a triangle' for reals? I learned that when I was three, 'how to draw correct architect lettering' seriously, how easy is that, 'how to erase properly', not that hard people, 'what an "aims lettering aide" is, and how it works' pfffff, 'how to draw a door frame... using a stencil' {I should tell you, it took him an hour, a entire hour to explain what these tools were, how to use them, and honestly, a stencil, because we're not old enough to use a compass? gahhhh, I was ripping out my hair, waiting for a good time to BOOK it out of there, torture, I learned this stuff in Jr. High}

 Finally, when the guy was done explaining the difference between a ruler and an architect's scale {in his words "a ruler is flat, a scale has 3 sides" seriously? you're an interior designer and can't think of a more legit way to describe the difference?????????????} he asked us to write a paper on the differences between landscape architect, and interior designer, whaaa? 

At this point, I returned my belongings to my bag, and politely attempted to excuse myself from the class, with every intention to drop it asap, but wait, the professor would like to explain to class that I'm "not up to the challenge" so I tell him quietly and very politely, that I learned everything he is teaching my freshman year of high school, that the final assignment he explained to us was the same as the second assignment I had in my interior rendering class at ASU..I think he got the point!!

So with the non-CAD-class gone, I am down to 14 credits, at first I was SUPER pissed {pardon my language} that my schedule wasn't what I had hoped, but today as I've been working and making my lists of things I want/need to do {I'm ALL about lists} I realized, maybe it's a good idea to have a lighter load this semester since I am working as well...so now I have a huge gap between class #1 and {previously class #4} which kind of ruins my chances of working {a job I like anyway} Tuesdays and Thursdays, but eh...I'll live ;)

So, even though it didn't turn out perfectly, I think my schedule will be great! and this semester will be awesome! I'm so glad I get to work this semester, and I'm grateful the DeCrows' still wanted me around! I wish I could take my fantasy CAD class, but it doesn't exist at PC, so maybe another time! I'll take it as a blessing in disguise and try to be grateful for how everything worked out!

I think His Tractors Sexy!

 We got some pretty funny looks {and comments} transporting this big boy all the way from 2 Biltmore to Clarendon on Saturday afternoon,

Especially when we stopped at Shell to fill up on diesel!
Taylor and I are blessed to have access to wonderful tools, of all shapes and sizes! We decided to borrow this beaut for a few days, to level out our land {previously torn apart and left kind of lumpy...as seen below}

I'm such a lucky girl to have a husband who knows how to do all this heavy-duty yard work, and lucky to have a Father-in-Law who has tractors on hand for us to borrow!

I think there is something to be said about a manly man {such as my hunky, hott, buff husband Samuel Taylor Robinson} according to Urabn Dictionary Manly is "a word to describe something or someone that displays unusually man-like traits...and my husband just so happens to display very tough manly abilities...

In other news, school starts next week, and I may have over done it again, the plan was to take this semester easy, but I am currently signed up for 16 credits {only 2 less than last semester, and 4 more than I originally intended}, please do not be disappointed or shocked if I drop a class in the first couple weeks...Look at me, being all motivated :/ 


{ I told him if he didn't smile I would put it on the blog...I do not lie}

This morning I woke up happy. Truly, actually, honestly, completely happy. I couldn't tell you why, I just felt good. I realized I am so blessed, so incredibly blessed. So I decided to count the ways...

1. I have THE MOST AMAZING, loving, thoughtful, hard working husband in the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD
2. About 3 1/2 year ago I met the funnest, craziest person I know, who happens to be my long lost twin and best friend in the whole wide world Stephanie Hartman.
3. I have a family who loves me, no matter how many times I've completely screwed up in the past, and no matter how many rude things come out of my mouth when I'm tired or hungry.
4. I have a new family (the Robinson's) who love me, no matter how many times I've completely screwed up in the past, and no matter how many rude things come out of my mouth (and facial expressions that I can't wuite hide) when I'm tired or hungry.
5. I have the best job anyone could ask for, working with the sweetest little boy in the world, and for the most kind and amazing family in the world!
6. I am on track to having the skills I want most, and on track to my dream job
7. I have finally figured out what my dream job is!
8. I have a beautiful home in a wonderful and safe neighborhood
9. My husband gave me a gorgeous, perfect piano that I can play whenever I'd like
10. I have the skills {and am learning more everyday} to be able to one day start a family with my phenomenal husband Taylor
11. I have the one true Gospel in my life, and a testimony of my Brother, and my Savior Jesus Christ, I know that he lives and loves me, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only true church on the earth today, and I am so grateful to be a part of it!
12. I have a wonderful calling, which not only strengthens me further, but in which I have the opportunity to bless someone else's life!
13. I can write my blessings all out of order and it doesn't matter, because you can't prioritize {all the time anyway} the things you are grateful for, and no one is judging me :)
14. Taylor and I have awesome, fun couple friends like Paul and Emily, Jeremy and Chelsea, and Logan and Mandy, {and others} who we have SO MUCH fun with!
15. My husband has been blessed with a job he loves, and when he is happy I am happy :)
16. I have the most magnificent mother who gives the greatest advice
17. I go to a wonderful school, with wonderful people
18. I have a car, that runs, and is pretty
19. I have T.V., Netflix, Internet, Electricity, Running Water, HOT Water, a Toilet, a working dishwasher, a fridge, and every other comfort I could ask for, all in my cute little house, whenever I need them!
20. I am level headed and know right from wrong
21. I have food
22. I am not in debt
23. I have a healthy body, and my husband has a healthy body, and we have a healthy lifestyle {being healthy is SO good}
24. I am strong, and my husband is strong, and together we are invincible {I know, kind of sounds like I'm reaching, but I really am so grateful that we don't fall apart after every little disagreement, and that we can handle bad news just as well as good news, it really is a blessing!}
25. I have patience, which helps me with work, school, and life!
26. I have nice clothes, and plenty of shoes {which I know for a fact some of my ancestors did NOT have}
27. I am a happy person {I've been a sad person before, and I am glad I'm past that}
28. My husband is HOTT {some people aren't so lucky!}
29. I have old friends who I know even though we don't talk or see each other often, I know I call when I am in a pickle and they will be there for me no matter what time of day it is, or what the circumstances are! {Braden, Heather, Stratton, Anissa, and my big brother Dallin just to name a few}
30. I have SISTERS now! I always wanted a sister, now I have 4!
31. Free Agency
32. Prayer
33. The testimonies of the Prophets and Apostles
34. John Bytheway {church stint just now}
35. Kids! {they're so fun!}
36. Hospitals, Doctors, and Medicine {they are available to us for a reason, and while I am not a big pill popper, I do believe that medicine and the practice of it are a great advantage we have in this day and age}
37. Blankets
38. My iPhone 4 {SO much faster and cooler than my iPhone 3G was}
39. Board games: Quirkle, Blokus, Rummikub, Killer Bunnies, Fireball Island, and so many others! Best way to keep entertained {as long as I win, just kidding...but kind of not always really}4
40. That I was born when I was, that I knew the right people, and went the right places, and did all the right things to get me exactly where I am today, I'm grateful that my Heavenly Father knows me, and made this plan for me.

There are so many other things to be grateful for, and I always feel so much happier, with life and with myself, when I think about the things that I am lucky to have. I know that my life is blessed, and that I am exactly where I need to be right now, doing all the things I am supposed to do. Yeah, yeah..I slip up all the time, I make mistakes, and some of them are huge, but none too big that I can't repent, and get back on the right track. This life is such as amazing one, and I am so grateful for it!!

I've realized that I'm so happy BECAUSE I have a calling, BECAUSE I pray to my Heavenly Father, BECAUSE I have an amazing husband, but alway I have all these things BECAUSE I am happy, and grateful. Funny, the cyle of things...I'm grateful for that too :)

Twenty Eleven

{I look 12.}
{Handsome Husband, does not look 12}

{grace, davis, and noah with their cute hats}


{taylor made me wear this, makes me look 12 even more!}
Christmas in Holbrook was a lot of fun, as was Utah, but we sure are happy to be home!
We came home to a 45 degree home, and a broken heater! We finally got to use our fireplace, and we are currently rotating portable space heaters from room to room to keep our toes from freezing until we can get our heater fixed!

Luckily it is warmer here than in Utah! It was SO cold, and snowed the majority of our stay there, we took advantage of the snow and went tubing {Kelcie's 1st time ever!} but when we were going to go snowboarding we found out it was 4 below, and I just didn't have the right clothing for that kind of cold :(

The whole reason we went up to Utah was for Taylor's cousin Amanda's wedding, we made it to the Sealing at the Salt Lake Temple {also a 1st for Kelcie, BEAUTIFUL!} and to the Luncheon, but the blizzard hit just as we were on our way to the reception, and we couldn't make it. We were all so sad to miss Amanda and Blake's reception!

As another year starts Taylor and I are excited for the adventures ahead of us! I again did not take more than 3 photos on our entire trip { I'm pathetic I know} so I've decided to make it a goal of mine this year to TAKE MORE PHOTOS!! But as New Years Resolutions have never been a strong suit of mine I've decided not to make anymore than the one. Together me and Taylor have made plans {you could call it a goal} to have FHE at the lake every Monday during lake season { side goal: jump the wake consistently heel and toe side!}. Another thing I'm working on {and have been for some time} is my perfectionism, I am too hard on myself and need to work on being more level headed in my expectations of myself, and not worry about what others think..and thats it! no more! 

We don't know what 2011 will bring, but we are excited to start a new year and have many adventures! 
We'd like to wish you all a {late} Merry Christmas, and a {late} Happy New Year!!