Twenty Eleven

{I look 12.}
{Handsome Husband, does not look 12}

{grace, davis, and noah with their cute hats}


{taylor made me wear this, makes me look 12 even more!}
Christmas in Holbrook was a lot of fun, as was Utah, but we sure are happy to be home!
We came home to a 45 degree home, and a broken heater! We finally got to use our fireplace, and we are currently rotating portable space heaters from room to room to keep our toes from freezing until we can get our heater fixed!

Luckily it is warmer here than in Utah! It was SO cold, and snowed the majority of our stay there, we took advantage of the snow and went tubing {Kelcie's 1st time ever!} but when we were going to go snowboarding we found out it was 4 below, and I just didn't have the right clothing for that kind of cold :(

The whole reason we went up to Utah was for Taylor's cousin Amanda's wedding, we made it to the Sealing at the Salt Lake Temple {also a 1st for Kelcie, BEAUTIFUL!} and to the Luncheon, but the blizzard hit just as we were on our way to the reception, and we couldn't make it. We were all so sad to miss Amanda and Blake's reception!

As another year starts Taylor and I are excited for the adventures ahead of us! I again did not take more than 3 photos on our entire trip { I'm pathetic I know} so I've decided to make it a goal of mine this year to TAKE MORE PHOTOS!! But as New Years Resolutions have never been a strong suit of mine I've decided not to make anymore than the one. Together me and Taylor have made plans {you could call it a goal} to have FHE at the lake every Monday during lake season { side goal: jump the wake consistently heel and toe side!}. Another thing I'm working on {and have been for some time} is my perfectionism, I am too hard on myself and need to work on being more level headed in my expectations of myself, and not worry about what others think..and thats it! no more! 

We don't know what 2011 will bring, but we are excited to start a new year and have many adventures! 
We'd like to wish you all a {late} Merry Christmas, and a {late} Happy New Year!!

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