'arry Potter

I am the LUCKIEST girl in the world. {no foolin’}
I KNOW I can be difficult. I’m a trainwreck when ONE little thing goes wrong. I blow everything out of proportion, all the time. And my sweet husband not only puts up with me, but unlike most men, he’s REALLY good at making me feel good again.
REALLY good !!
It’s not just that he knows how to calm my anxiety, or that he’s learned how to be patient with me when I’m an emotional mess, he goes above and beyond…
For instance, yesterday I was FREAKING out, and not typical girl freak-out, this was OH-MY-GOSH-MY-LEG-JUST-GOT-SEVERED-BY-A-CHAINSAW freak out, only NOTHING similar to that happened, I just happened to be stressed about a school presentation due Monday {today} in the only class I have that I’m not getting an A+ in. I over analyze just about everything, and yesterday I turned an assignment in a tough class into I’m-failing-life-and-want-to-quit-school…I’m worthless. Of course now I realize how crazy I was being but It sure helped when at noon after 4 hours straight of running through my presentation I hear a knock at the door. Thinking its FedEx or UPS I answer it.
Turned out to be this {SMOKIN HOTT} guy…

Holding these…

And these…
p.s. photo uploaded sideways, and I can't figure out how to fix it..

Yes that’s right, my husband knows how much I LOVE Harry Potter {you best have said that one in a bloody English accent mate}. I don’t have any girl friends {as everyone knows, I’m pretty much a loser} much less any that enjoy Harry Potter enough to go to the MIDNIGHT SHOWING THURSDAY NIGHT, and I was intending to go it by me onsie {Taylor’s never read the books or seen any of the movies}. He bought the DVD set 1. So I can own some of my favorite movies, and 2. So he knows what’s going on when
I am loved, and I have never been so loved as I am now. I can’t imagine life without Taylor, no one else could put up with me {or would} no one else knows what I love and when I love it {tulips are such happy flowers}


Has your significant other ever done something so personal and thoughtful that it flips your grumpy day upside down?

All Growed Up!

Taylor and I are officially 

{Is it odd that NOW I feel grown up, not when I got married, or got my big-girl-horizontal driver’s license, or did you-know-what…no, owning a house is what made me FINALLY feel like an Adult!}
I LOVE this house, and a disclaimer before I go too far into and make all you readers feel giddy and excited for me…there is a catch. I only get this house for a year. We purchased this property not necessarily for the home that sits on it but for a business venture, but it will be our primary residence for the next year or so until the plans are done and everyone involved is ready to scrap the house {yes, scrap it} and build 6 houses on the land.
While I entirely understand this, and I know that a 1940’s adobe house has a LOT of problems, and no we can’t afford to fix them. Historical homes are a labor of love, and while I LOVE this house. There are other people involved, and its not all up to me.
I do, however, have a chance. 1 in 1,000,000… But still a chance!!!! If I can raise $200,000 dollars to fix it up before they start the project I can keep it…but that’s not a small number, and I don’t know where to start.

I have dubbed this house “THE CLARENDON HOUSE” due to obvious reasons, and I am in love with it. Though not as deeply and truly in love as I am with TAYLOR my sweet wonderful HOTT smart strong amazing husband!!
It is a Spanish style adobe house and was built in the 40’s. It is everything I want in a house, original oak wood floors from the 40’s, floor to ceiling hand blown glass windows, a HUMONGOUS backyard, a good neighborhood in Phoenix {yes, all you Mesa people, those exist and are PLENTIFUL in Phoenix, its not as ghetto as you all think}, this house has CHARACTER, from the nasty mint-ice-cream-colored bathroom {which, if I do get the money to keep the house, this will DEFINTIELY be remodeled} to the REAL ARIZONA ROOM, this house is worth anything to keep, so please look at the photos, fall in love with it as I have, and help a sista out!
If you know ANYTHING about restoring historic homes please CLUE ME IN!!


cute little kitchen! I love the window looking over the yard!

My new spider friend under the sink

Disgusting I know...

itty bitty bathroom

original 1940's oak wood floors!!!! LOVE

mint ice-cream-colored bathroom

Oh, I will definitely be FIXING this

bedrooms, and ARIZONA ROOM{always have LOVED real arizona rooms!!}

Lower left-hand corner: PROOF its ADOBE!

as you can see, it hasn’t been cleaned, in fact it hasn’t been lived in since the 80’s…and who knows what since… We’re planning on cleaning and fixing up everything just enough to live in. I’ll post after pictures as soon as we get it livable!!
I hope you think the house is as great as I think it is!! I’m going to do my best to earn that $200,000…and hopefully I’ll be able to save my house!
Either way, I’m SO EXCITED that I even get to live in it at all, and even a year will be amazing, though I know I can’t put too much money into it.


I just realized how valuable my hands are to me.

EVERYTHING I'm the slightest bit good at involves my hands. i mean it. EVERYTHING.
{ex. Piano, Sign Language..that’s pretty much all I’m good at to be honest..}

I really hope I never lose them.
{knock on wood}


I just want my hair back please.
thank you.

that last photo is SUPER old {as in girls camp 2003}
don't judge

Saturday Night

I love Halloween, but this year Taylor and I had so much going we didn't get around to the holiday 
{aside from pumpkin carving} 
Saturday night was our ward's truck-or-treat and we had a booth for Elder's Quorm to set up and man.  We had every intention of attending, but we also had the intention to leaving early and go to the ASU vs. Washington game. Little did we know the game started at 4pm, not 7 like we assumed {makes an ass out of u and me} so we missed the trunk-or-treat {priorities right? well we had Mandy and Logan coming to the game, we NEVER get to hang out with Mandy and Logan} but the game was fun! free corn dogs and brownies, and because we played a crappy team...WE ACCTUALLY WON!! 

and that was the extent of our Halloween. {semi}sad but true...next year I'm making Halloween happen! I already have costumes PLANNED