es no bueno

Dear Jeans, 
I would like to take a moment and tell you how truly sorry I am that my thighs and butt will not allow you to be worn, and in fact have damaged 4 of you significantly. When I bought you I was so thrilled to have to cute clothes, perhaps for 2 of you I probably spent too much. And now you lay in a throw-away pile on my closet floor, not because I don't love you, but I just have no use for crotch-torn {or in one case rear-torn} jeans, you simply do not give my body the coverage that is socially acceptable.
I hope you know, dear denims, that when I started running again I had no intentions of not fitting in you, I admit that I guess perhaps somewhere deep in my hippo-campus I KNEW this is what happens when I run, the extra inches, but it has never caused me to RIP any pants prior to you four. 

Dear body,
After all I've done for you, THIS is how you repay me?
Come on, seriously, I just bought those jeans. And now {that I went and bought ANOTHER pair} I have only 1 pair that fit {comfortably, I still squeeze my body into the other non-torn pairs, but I'm afraid that won't last long} Don't you know that jeans cost money! And don't you know its much easier to find jeans that fit when I'm a tiny bit smaller? For Pete's sake, give me a break! {or maybe learn how to do some magic so I can make new jeans that fit perfectly appear out of thin air}
Haven't I been eating healthy? Haven't I been exercising? Haven't I been taking care of you?
But don't worry, I still love you :)

Dear Jean Makers,
Stop marking up your jeans just because you think your name is cool. I am not made of money, and you expensive jeans are the only ones that seem to be fitting, believe me, I jean shopped for 4 hours the other day! No foolin'! And I came home with only one pair! Because all the others that fit were $20 less than 300! 


One Year

I know back in January I overloaded you with beautiful pictures of myself...and my handsome {at that time ALMOST} husband {he was in the pictures with me}. I know you want more...

May 14th marked one year of being married and sealed for time and all eternity to this dashing young man!

This literally has been my favorite year of all time! I love Taylor with all my heart and soul, and he loves me just as much! I will not lie, sometime we do not agree, sometimes I am a stinker {usually for about 3 days at the end of each month, TMI?}. But we have learned so much {I am speaking mostly for myself here} about ourselves and each other and it has been lovely! Plus being married has its perks, if you know what I mean...


okay, so now the photographs! again, done my the wonderful and extremely talented {not to mention, beautiful} Cami Dunn

{there are probably like 1,000,000 more photos than I'm showing, I just chose some of my favorites!}

{p.s. there are a bagillion more that I INTENDED to post, but my server is "rejecting" them all, whatever that means...I wish you could see all our pictures :( , thus is life}  

Our wedding day was PERFECT, everything we could have hoped for! {that is not to say we weren't ecstatic when it was over, what a long day!
 I mean seriously, don't ALL just-married couples just want some alone time! 

Being married has been the best thing EVER, times infinity! I seriously love my husband so much! We have had a good year, we've both learned a lot and are STILL happy with our decision! I've never been happier {and I'm sure Taylor doesn't mind me saying that}, neither has Taylor!

Ch ch ch ch changes!

New things are happening in the Robinson household! Taylor and I are becoming Hippies Healthy!
About a month ago {I am so behind, I have I think 4 other IDEAS for blog posts that are already pretty late, I'll get them done, don't fret!} Taylor and I were discussing barefoot running, if that sounds a little dangerous to you do a little research, every one has their opinions.

anyway...we decided {rather impulsively} to pick up  a pair each, and let me tell you...My calves are rockin', my ankles and knees are happy, and I enjoy running again! I don't get very far yet, as I'm basically training my feet muscles to work like they were made to {I've been spoiling them with shoes}

I've also started my month long unlimited hot yoga at Birkam Yoga in Phoenix {thank you GROUPON}. If you have never done hot yoga, go do it. NOW. Honestly, I didn't know my body could sweat that much, and the heat made me seem 10 times more flexible than I really am! 

To add to hippieocrocy {is that word? yes, because I just said it.} Taylor is cutting down on caffeine {much to my approval!} and chuggin' the chia seeds {sounds weird, tastes fine...definitely have a weird texture, Kelcie is a texture eater, and almost gagged swallowing the tiny spongy seeds}. I have also been trying to cut down on my sugar intake {someone told me if I eat too much sugar I'll get diabetes, while this is NOT true, I do probably need to take better care of my body}. 

So Taylor and I will probably live to be 150 and 146 years old {respectively, I plan on dying on the same day as him, only a split second before so I never have to live without him :)} so write about us in your journal and someday your children's children will come looking for us, and we'll have a big HOOray and celebrate barefoot running, chia seeds, and yoga! 

Dear News, show me real news please!

I do not have a problem with working mothers, I do not have a problem with stay at home mothers! I also have no qualms with women who work jobs typically occupied by men, or men who work jobs typically occupied by women!
What I DO have a problem with, is when the news wastes my time with stories about encouraging young women to become computer technicians. I'm sorry, but whats so wrong with more men being interested in computers than women? Why are Americans constantly trying to make EVERYTHING equal, oh except no one is encouraging men to take sewing classes, or work as secretaries.
Maybe I'm old fashioned, maybe it's just me who thinks its fine for girls do be comfortable for wanting to just be moms, or crafters, or seamstresses, or secretaries, or school teachers, yes if you have goals of something higher GO FOR IT, but why do we have to push young girls to want to be CEOs and Computer nerd {nothing wrong with computer nerd, just something wrong, maybe just to me, about not accepting that women and men are DIFFERENT} 
If you're a girl and you want to be an attorney, a judge, own your own business be a CEO of some major company, work construction or whatever, that GREAT, seriously I am not putting go-getters down, I just wish we as American's weren't so hell bent on making EVERYTHING politically correct, and making EVERYTHING between the sexes equal. We are not equal, we are not the same, and if young women continue to think that to be respected or successful they must achieve complete equality with men, we will continue to see a decrease in happiness in women, its proven that its happen since the feminist movement began, and it will continue to happen as long as women are pressured to NOT accept their femininity, which is essentially what is happening when they are encouraged to chase jobs they may not be interested in just to prove their independence.


Gluteus Maximus
Lattisimus Dorsi
The area just above my right eye
Entire head
Whatever is currently holding my pecs to my arms
Lower back

they all hurt.
one word...
 {which by lake I'm implying Wakeboarding, because sitting at the lake doesn't get you sore...unless your skin burns, but mine does not...}

 Why am I complaining? not trying to, just giving you a run down of my "go big or go home" consequences...they are totally worth it :) The difference between the board I've been using and this beauty is comparable to the difference between stale bread and fresh cookies, or junior high slow dancing and salsa, or a 1990's liquid force wakeboard and 2010 Ronix wakeboard! 

My husband is THE best husband there has EVER been, and if you try and argue with me, I will one up you until you can't think of anything else to say...promise! so let's not go there...
Back to Taylor, he is amazing...would you like to know why?

Let me explain myself a little bit..I grew up with 5 brothers, plus about 12 honorary brothers. While I like romantics, there are certainly many things I like quite a bit more, don't get me wrong, I love it when Taylor brings me flowers for "future mothers day", I love it when he gives me flowers any time to be honest! I adore my husband when he thinks up cute fun trips to places I've never been, I love it when he surprises me with a romantic dinner, and whispers sweet somethings (they are never nothings) in my ear. But let me tell you, I have got a soft spot for the lake, and anything lake related, and anything board related, and anything I can hurt myself on while having the most fun ever! So thank you Taylor for the most awesome {early} anniversary gift that has ever been given!