Dear News, show me real news please!

I do not have a problem with working mothers, I do not have a problem with stay at home mothers! I also have no qualms with women who work jobs typically occupied by men, or men who work jobs typically occupied by women!
What I DO have a problem with, is when the news wastes my time with stories about encouraging young women to become computer technicians. I'm sorry, but whats so wrong with more men being interested in computers than women? Why are Americans constantly trying to make EVERYTHING equal, oh except no one is encouraging men to take sewing classes, or work as secretaries.
Maybe I'm old fashioned, maybe it's just me who thinks its fine for girls do be comfortable for wanting to just be moms, or crafters, or seamstresses, or secretaries, or school teachers, yes if you have goals of something higher GO FOR IT, but why do we have to push young girls to want to be CEOs and Computer nerd {nothing wrong with computer nerd, just something wrong, maybe just to me, about not accepting that women and men are DIFFERENT} 
If you're a girl and you want to be an attorney, a judge, own your own business be a CEO of some major company, work construction or whatever, that GREAT, seriously I am not putting go-getters down, I just wish we as American's weren't so hell bent on making EVERYTHING politically correct, and making EVERYTHING between the sexes equal. We are not equal, we are not the same, and if young women continue to think that to be respected or successful they must achieve complete equality with men, we will continue to see a decrease in happiness in women, its proven that its happen since the feminist movement began, and it will continue to happen as long as women are pressured to NOT accept their femininity, which is essentially what is happening when they are encouraged to chase jobs they may not be interested in just to prove their independence.

1 comment :

  1. AH THANK YOU!!!! Seriously, amen to everything you said. I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one that sees it this way!
