Ch ch ch ch changes!

New things are happening in the Robinson household! Taylor and I are becoming Hippies Healthy!
About a month ago {I am so behind, I have I think 4 other IDEAS for blog posts that are already pretty late, I'll get them done, don't fret!} Taylor and I were discussing barefoot running, if that sounds a little dangerous to you do a little research, every one has their opinions.

anyway...we decided {rather impulsively} to pick up  a pair each, and let me tell you...My calves are rockin', my ankles and knees are happy, and I enjoy running again! I don't get very far yet, as I'm basically training my feet muscles to work like they were made to {I've been spoiling them with shoes}

I've also started my month long unlimited hot yoga at Birkam Yoga in Phoenix {thank you GROUPON}. If you have never done hot yoga, go do it. NOW. Honestly, I didn't know my body could sweat that much, and the heat made me seem 10 times more flexible than I really am! 

To add to hippieocrocy {is that word? yes, because I just said it.} Taylor is cutting down on caffeine {much to my approval!} and chuggin' the chia seeds {sounds weird, tastes fine...definitely have a weird texture, Kelcie is a texture eater, and almost gagged swallowing the tiny spongy seeds}. I have also been trying to cut down on my sugar intake {someone told me if I eat too much sugar I'll get diabetes, while this is NOT true, I do probably need to take better care of my body}. 

So Taylor and I will probably live to be 150 and 146 years old {respectively, I plan on dying on the same day as him, only a split second before so I never have to live without him :)} so write about us in your journal and someday your children's children will come looking for us, and we'll have a big HOOray and celebrate barefoot running, chia seeds, and yoga! 

1 comment :

  1. I've been wanting to try Vibrams for like a year. Looks like I have to do it now!
