Lonely, oh so Lonely..

So, I know this is completely irrational, but I, Kelcie McClellan Robinson, 21, wife of Taylor Robinson...am scared of the dark.

I know, childish, its not ALL the dark, just dark church hallways, dark bathrooms, dark closets, dark kitchens, dark outsides, and especially the dark when I'm alone.
When Taylor is here I'm fine, but being alone, in the dark..scares me. So tonight I am sleeping with all of my lights on, yes I went around and checked all the doors, four times, I also turned on every light and opening every door/cabinet to make sure no one was hiding {I had a baseball bat in one hand and my pepper spray in the other, don't worry, I wouldn't open those doors unprepared}. I just miss Taylor, and I wish someone would come stay with me...hopefully I can get someone to, or chances are I will not sleep tonight.

Now that I'm done confessing my pathetic fear I would like everyone to know how tough I am.
For instance, I've taken enough kick boxing that I could probably beat you in a fight..I cut my finger pretty bad the other day, and did NOT cry..I like to play in the dirt {I'm not too girly to get messy}...and, thats about it...Don't judge!

Anyone want to come have a sleepover??  Ladies? anyone, anyone?


  1. i am the exact same way when chris is gone too! don't you worry im right there with ya.

  2. I am that way too. Mike left early for golf this morning (I was still at the wedding house) and I had a hard time falling back asleep with it still dark outside... I left all the lights on that Mike turned on to get ready to go. I hate it when he leaves for just part of the night even. I stay home. If I have to go out to get something to eat, and my neighbors are not outside when I get back, I stay in the car until the garage door shuts and then go in the house. Oh, and I leave all the lights on. Even with my protector dog Mocha.
