I want to be like you when I grow up..

I realized today how incredibly remarkable mothers are.
I've been at the DeCrow residence since 7 this morning, my usual is just watching/working with the little T-man..but today I have all FOUR of them! Let me tell you, this is tough! I'm sure it would be okay, but T-man happens to have autism, and he's terribly grumpy today...but even if all four little people were "typical" it's still a super busy job! Coordinating naps, trying to keep everyone entertained and happy, plus changing diapers, taking T potty, deciding how many movies are really appropriate in one day, and trying to do hab work and keep on top of T's goals and not just let him watch movies (10 min, then a new one, like he asks) and eat chips.
I hope to be as awesome of a mon as Molly one day! She is so good with her kiddos! I'm not nearly as good at entertaining as she is!

props to every mom out there who has a child with autism and still stays on top of it and sane! I'm grateful today that I have patiences, if I didn't today wouldn't be nearly as fun as it has been!! :)

Thank you to every MOM out there, what a beautiful callig in life, the opportunity to be a momma is so special!
Thank you mom for being such an awesome one!

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