This is probably a really silly post, but I'm sitting here waiting to go to a 3pm appointment, there are no shows to watch on Hulu, I already gardened for 3 hours this morning, and played my piano, and finished a book, and filled out an application for school, with 40 min until I need to leave. So why NOT post all of very favorite engagement photos for no particular reason other than the fact that I have the time, miss my pretty hair, and love looking at my hott husband??? 

It's been over a year since these were taken, and just for a little background...Anthropologie is my VERY favorite store, Taylor knows this, so does just about everyone else who knows me at all...And so, for an engagement present {as if my perfect RING wasn't enough! it was by the way..} my man bought me the most adorable little red dress, and it was glorious, and it was made for my tiny frame, and I wore it, again again...but most importantly I got to take cute pictures in it, pictures I can look back at whenever I so desire and remember how fun it was to be engaged, and how glad I am that it lasted only 4 months :)

{I know, I attacked you with with it, they're cute, you like them}

Okay, so I underestimated the amount of time it takes to UPLOAD pictures on here, my bad. I got about halfway through the uploading before I had to take off for my appointment {I bet you're wondering what kind of appointment...I'm not telling :)}

I have a confession to make, I have a pleasure, one I feel guilty for {guilty pleasure, get it? hah, I'm clever}. I absolutely LOVE to have my picture taken, I will not lie, I am SO vain {and yes that song IS about me}. Also I think it'll be fun when I have kids for them to be able to see that at one point I DID look good {I yoke yoke, I kid I kid, I will ALWAYS look good...I am my mother's daughter after all...}

I guess I might as well include our little engagement story as I don't think I've written it down anywhere else, and it might be good to remember {and this blog is pretty much my journal these days}
It happened one Janurary evening {the 29th to be exact} in the year two thousand and ten...

I was in the middle of planning a dinner I was preparing for dinner that night for Taylor and I {I was TRYING to impress him} when Taylor called to inform me that his kitchen was flooded and therefore disabled {as in, I couldn't make dinner because water was pouring out of the ceiling, and there were buckets all over the counters attempting to catch it...} We decided he would come out to Mesa and pick me up and we'd save my special dinner for another night. Little did I know...

Taylor picked me up and we ran a few menial errands {nothing to hint towards anything}. Once we were finished, Taylor started driving in the direction opposite of mine {or his} home, I asked where we were going and he replied "On an Adventure!!" {I am QUITE the adventurous girl, if I do say so myself, and we typically had many adventures, so this didn't hint towards anything either} We to drove to this little orchard in Mesa that I LOVE where we had our first little DTR {again, I honestly was no where near suspicious}. It had rained the night before so we hard a good hard {muddy} time getting to the middle of the Orchard where our little windmill is. Taylor gave me a piggy back ride the majority of the time, we fell a couple times {I learned later that he was nervous the whole time that I would notice the ring-box bulge in his jacket pocket} biggie. We arrived at our destination and climbed up to the tippy top of the windmill to watch the sun set {unfortunately I did not know this was a special windmill climb so I did not bring my camera} where Taylor bent down on one knee and asked me to change my last name {different words, but also, kind of special, and I don't feel like sharing}. After I made sure he was joking {I asked him at least 6 times "are you serious?" before I realized he was waiting for an answer...I honestly had no clue he was going to ask me any time soon, I thought he was going to wait until he was done with school in May, boy am I clueless} I told him of course I would! By the time I was off my high, it was too dark to take any photos with Taylor's flash-less iPhone, but we don't need one to remember how we both felt! After we climbed down and made our clumsy giddy way back to the truck we made our way over to Flemings where Taylor had a table ready for us! {and in case you've forgotten the whole Gloria thing, I did make him celebrate our one-year-since-engagement, and we did go to Flemings..yummm}

Being engaged was fun, and super stressful, we were both in school full time, and working almost full time, and planning a wedding was tough, honestly about half way through the only reason we didn't run off and elope was because I knew my wonderful mamma would be SO pissed if we did...I'm glad our engagement was only 4 months, and I'm so happy that now we're married {almost one year!} I love Taylor with everything I have, and we are so blessed to have found eachother! Maybe one of these days I'll blog about the wedding :) we'll see...It's not like anyone really reads this...

p.s. photos were taken by the wonderful ms. cami dunn check her out! she's fantastic!


  1. Hey! I read this! and I la la la love your pictures. :)

  2. Probably more people than you think read your blog... and you're right, you will always be gorgeous ;^)
    I like seeing pictures! ;^)

  3. Jenifer! I want to read your blog!

  4. I LOVE THESE PICTURES soooooo much! you're such a doll!

  5. Thank you Ashley! I LOVE all your pictures! You're gorgeous, and dress so well!!

  6. These photographs are beautiful, so romantic! I love love love that red dress!

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