That Awkward Moment When...

1.That girl in your class is telling everyone she's in the IPP but you are, and have never seen her in your life {liar!}

2.You avoid eye contact with your teacher hoping she won't call on you, and she calls you out on it

3.You reference Star Trek in class and not even the nerdy teacher has ever watched it

4.The same thing happens with Battlestar Galactica

5.And then Star Wars

School has been awesome so far! There are only 10 of us in the IPP and luckily we all get along with each other! Our teachers right now (Vicki and Kay) are amazing, and we're all learning so much! 
We just started working on consecutive interpreting {when a segment of a message is given and then the speaker/signer pauses while you interpret, and then continues once you've finished your interpretation} and I'm excited to slow down a little! I've been simultaneously interpreting {interpreting WHILE the message is being given} for Primary, and its interesting to see how much more accurate my interpretations are when I have a little more time to think about the message before I try and change the language! 
The program is pretty intense and literally every second I'm not in class I'm working on homework {except right now I guess...I DID just finish an interpretation though :)}.

Taylor is busy with work and filling out applications for Masters Programs, we picked 5 schools to apply for, applications are due Oct 10th, and hopefully sometime in the Spring we'll find out who wants us! 
Taylor's work has been busy, when he first started working there business was really slow and projects were hard to come by, so we're thrilled that the market has picked up enough for them to be working on 3 different projects right now! 

Side note: I am having the worst wake-boarding withdrawals of my life! We didn't go this last weekend because Taylor had a campout for scouts, and the weekend before that I was over loaded with homework so I was too stressed to go {we did go on Saturday, but my body doesn't remember it}, and then the two weeks before that Taylor was studying for his GMAT! Oh Bartlett, I miss you so...mostly I miss my Ronix being strapped to my feet and the wake the Mastercraft puts off.

p.s. Taylor had the picture above from when we first started dating! I admit its not my best, but I love it! My husband is so cute! {please don't focus on my make-up less face!}

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