
Classes start today and I could not be more excited! My signing skills have slacked over the summer {my fault} so I'm ready to get them up to par again! Hopefully they aren't too horrible.
I finish in May, and hopefully take the first portion of the test this December, and the second portion right after I graduate! I'm excited to improve and practice and prepare to become an actual ASL Interpreter! 

Also this week Taylor is taking the GMAT! He has been taking a prep class and studying all this month and last, he's nervous, but I know he'll do great! He is the smartest most motivated person I know and I'm excited for him to see evidence of that on his test scores!

Needless to say the remainder of the year is going to be extremely busy! Between his GMAT and all the applications to MBA programs, and my classes and prep for my National Certification test, by the time December rolls around we'll both be ready for a little break I'm sure! 

So good luck sweet, charming, handsome, intelligent husband of mine! And good luck to myself as well!

I hope everyone else has a splendid week with whatever may be occupying your time :)

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