
This is most likely going to be a fairly random post. I have nothing specific to blog about, so I'm kind of mashing everything from the last couple weeks together.

For those of you who would care to know, I shut down my pitty party shortly after my last post. It's still hott, but that's life, so I got off my lazy keister and have kept myself pretty busy! 

Now, I'm not the most crafty person, but thanks to pinterest I have a lot of crafty examples before my eyes, and I chose to copy some. I'm most proud of my wreath, its pretty impressive, and rather Fall-y {I can't wait until FALL!}

{I am by no means a photographer, but you get the idea..}

We had our Robinson Family Lake Powell Extravaganza at the end of July, and while I didn't personally take any photos, Kelvin and Christy were kind enough to share some of theirs.

We celebrated my 22nd birthday while is Powell! It was so fun! My sweet husband decorated the house boat, my mother in law made me my favorite Chocolate on Chocolate cake, and I even got a special fireworks show! It was so fun! I love having Lake Powell birthdays! {this was my second in a row!}

The Daniels brought 'The Brawler', it was literally the funnest tube I've ever been on, my entire life! It was a nice little change up from wakeboarding :)

I thought I was going to die

our nephew Ben won the ugliest hair contest! 

Hopefully we'll be doing the annual Lake Powell trip for the rest of my life! We had a blast and can't wait for next year!

1 comment :

  1. Great pictures. You did such a good job on the wreath. I think I need you to make one for me :)
