May- Month Eight

I love love love the month of May. Not only is it our anniversary month (on the 14th, 5 years!!??), but Mother's Day! Oh, Mother's Day! Not because I got pampered, not to celebrate me at all, in fact. I love Mother's Day because I get to celebrate Winona, the fact that she has made me a mama, and the fact that I GET to be her mama. I'm just so grateful that she's ours for now, that I get to squeeze her, and kiss her as much as I want, and take care of her, and nurse her, and love her! Mother's Day is my new favorite, because...Winona Ann!

May was pretty busy as well, I feel like every month is busy?? Is it just me? I kind of think not..

-Winona finally started sitting on her own without flopping over to crawl somewhere! yay!
- Started ISR (Infant Swim Resource) lessons, LOVE them, LOVE this program, if you have babies who are around water...DO IT! PLEEEEEASE!!!! Water safety is SO important, and I am strongly of the opinion to teach your kiddies water safety skills, and to DILIGENTLY watch them around water: don't text, or talk on the phone, or read a book, or run inside for ANYTHING..there's my two cents.
- REALLY got into solids this month, Winnie won't eat baby food spooned to her, but WILL eat straight from the pouch, I try to give her chew able bits of whatever we're eating and then cap her off with a pouch at the end of the meal, it works well for us! She's got so many teeth already and she's so good at chewing and gumming her food she can handle pretty much anything that isn't too hard or crunchy! It's very convenient and a lot of fun!!
- Mother's Day! Best day ever! LOTS of Mother's Day photos below!! Beautiful flowers from Taylor, breakfast in bed, etc. etc.
- Our 5th Anniversary was on the 14th and we went out to eat at the restaurant Taylor took me to for dinner after he proposed (on January 29th 2010, if you were wondering), Flemings! We took Winona with us (we REALLY love our family dates over here, and I'm really not just saying that to sound nice or anything, we REALLY love taking Winona with us pretty much everywhere, and she's usually very well behaved when we do!) Taylor got me a beautiful Mother's Day/ 5th anni gift, too. It's a pretty gold ring with Opals (Winona's birthstone, to celebrate Winona/Mother's Day) and 5 diamonds (to celebrate 5 year of marital bliss) I LOVE IT. I LOVE HIM. 
- Has 5 teeth (with one more coming in!!)
- Grinds those teeth; nail on a chalkboard
- This post is a mess, is it not? Oh well...
- Threw a Memorial Day BBQ with the McKellar's and the Kunz's and the May's. **see photo dump**
- This post is a huge mess. Not even a question. Oh well, Taylor's probably the only one reading it haha, and the end of this post is just a photo dump that I didn't even take the time to organize. so, there ya go. I shouldn't have waited to blog so long. hah

^^I don't EVEN care if that's an excess of photos of me and Winona, not one bit. If you, too bad!^^

1 comment :

  1. Love love love the pics - so glad you had an awesome Mother's Day & Anniversary!! :)
