A song of Wyoming for me

Dear Wyoming {specifically Jackson},
You are the true wild west, you are authentic and spectacular. You have mountains, and rivers, and prairies, and forests, and lakes, admit it, you have EVERYTHING. The only thing you could possibly be lacking it good hot lake weather, but I could deal with that if you promised to love me forever and treat me nice. I'm sure if I were to move to you I could own a horse, that would be pretty neat, I'd like that quite a bit. I also think it'd be kind of fun to eat all your yummy food my whole life, and look out my window at your beauty every morning, I suppose I could get used to it. I regret to tell you that you and I may never be together aside from our little conference weekend affairs, however, you are always in my heart.
sincerely, Kelcie

{more on Wyoming at a later date, possibly tomorrow :)}

1 comment :

  1. Gorgeous photograph. Love the colors.

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