February- Month Five

     I feel like the months are just flying by, February came and went so quickly, and now my baby is 5 1/2 months old (I'm a little late posting this) and she's rolling all over the place, and scootching all other the place, and super loud, and super observant, and I feel like just yesterday she was a newborn and sleeping all the time! She is so beautiful, and so much fun, and I can hardly stand it!

     At the beginning of February, Winona figured out how to blow raspberries! It was THE cutest thing ever!! One night she blew raspberries in her pack-n-play until she fell asleep (it took her an hour, she was having so much fun with it!). She also learned how to walk forward in the baby walker, which is so fun! She tries soooo hard to keep up with her cousins (those crazy Ning boys), and gets really frustrated when they're too fast for her, poor thing, I think she'll be an early walker just so she can hang with the boys!! She's already scootching and trying to get her knees under her, so it's only a matter of time before she's crawling!
    She also figured out how to fake cough, and fake cry, oh joy. It's so funny though, guys she takes after her mom! Not the fake crying, I haven't quite got that down yet..But she LOVES tickles! Not rough make-you-pee-your-pants tickles, but the soft nice kind, like back tickles. Oh, and if you tickle her face? Coos, and smiles, and her eyes do that slow blink, you know the one. And the easiest way to get her to giggle is raspberries on her neck, she loves it!

     Every day when Taylor gets home from work the dogs go crazy when they hear his truck pull onto the street. Winona figured out that when they start jumping at the door and wagging their tails (and ignoring her) that means Daddy is home. She stops whatever she's doing (even if she's nursing!) and watches the door until either he walks in, or we walk out to meet him. She always has the biggest gummy grin on when she sees him, and it makes me so happy that they love each other so much!

   She's still eating every 2 hours, and sleeps 12 hours a night, waking up once to eat around 4am. She's getting really fast with her rolling and winds up in the craziest places, and oddly (and unrelated) she still has a bruise from her umbilical cord clamp, which I was concerned about but the Dr's not. It's been 5 months, you'd think it'd be gone by now?

     Sometimes, I look at Winona and just can't get over how beautiful, and perfect, and amazing she is. I can't believe how lucky we have been to have her in our family, she's made the last 5 months the best months of our lives, and I'm so grateful that our Heavenly Father has trusted us to take care of her!

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