All this extra time

Honestly, I'm just finding excuses to not do things I should be, is this rocking chair worth blogging about? I don't know, probably not, but here I am, blogging about it.

Taylor and his dad have been cleaning out the famed Robinson warehouse {where all furniture from previous Robinson households goes to die}
There is SO much stuff in there, and it's a lot of work, and I'm reaping all the benefits! *wedding singer shout out*
The rocking chair was one of the lovelies brought home to me by my thoughtful, adorable, handsome husband! It looked good brown but the cushions looked like this

and while they weren't the worst, I definitely wanted to redo them, I really like the bright blue/white/yellow combo, and know I'll be using it to decorate future homes, so I went with it, and the fabric I found {in my mind} would look better on wood stained almost black. I'm pretty happy with the outcome!

Taylor also brought home a few other treasures, which I'm sure I'll be posting about sooner {if not later..}

The rest of my projects don't have pictures, because I don't like taking pictures of myself, and have no one on hand at the moment to take pictures of me, for me. But today I successfully turned my too-wide-legged-yet-not-wide-enough-to-be-stylish fat pants {which I am now wearing regularly} into skinnies! I'm working on a cute skirt that I found a tutorial to here! Thanks cute lady at Cotton & Curls!

On a completely different topic, I got into the IPP {Interpreter Preparation Program} at PC! I'm SO EXCITED!!!! This means by May 2012 I will no longer be a student! And hopefully I'll pass the National Certification and be interpreting soon thereafter! Ah, so blessed! I don't think my skills would be what they are without my absolutely-perfect calling! The Lord knows what he's doing!
And while we're on the subject, I so love interpreting for the little chillen's in the 43rd branch! Could kids be any cuter? I think not!{okay, I say that about every child I meet, because they are all so cute...I do have my favorites} Because of my experience in the primary interpreting ASL, my goals are changing a little, I'm aware {and now you are too!} that freelancing pays more than k-12, but really, shouldn't I do what I LOVE? the answer here is yes, yes I should. Besides, money doesn't matter :)

The Smith's invited us up to Roosevelt this weekend, and we're super excited to be done with the week so we can get up there! This entire summer is pretty loaded, schedule wise. The weekend of the 18th Taylor has his High Adventure activity with Young Men {while I will be watching the cutest ever DeCrow kids!} and the weekend after that I have a girls trip with my Robinson {Owen, Rail, Ning} Family, which I could not be more excited for! In July I'm going to visit my best friend in the whole wide world ever times infinity STEPHANIE HARTMAN HULSE
{who is currently cheating on Arizona, with Texas}
Which I might be most excited for...except that there is Lake Powell also in July...which I have to say, is the best vacation EVER! {and also, the Rails need to come this year, please and thank you, and if you know Pat, make him read this}

This post is about three times as long as I intended, and with so little pictures and so many words I'm sure no one has gotten this far. For those of you who have, congratulations! 


  1. Hahahahaha! I love reading your blog it makes me smile cause you are as crazy funny as ever! ;^) That rocking chair is gorgeous!
    Summer is funny and busy, busy, busy!
    Maybe we'll see you sometime ;^)

  2. I love reading your blog also. It sounds like you are having a great summer! Lots of Love, Grandma Mc
