back of my mind

Work: Could be more organized, maybe freelance interpreting isn't for me, my life needs a schedule. However, it is nice to just not accept jobs on the same day my best friend has off from her job, makes hanging out SUPER easy! Plus, they're paying me, and not poorly. I should stop whining, huh?

D.C. Traffic: I honestly would rather have a thousand daggers thrust into my body than drive in D.C. traffic, which is inevitable because there is never NOT the worst traffic ever here! [disclaimer: I do not in actuality enjoy having pain inflicted on me, the above comment is a dramatization]

"Why don't you take the Metro": NO

Weather: I'm dying people! And I mean the good kind of dying! It is so lovely here, and fall is coming, so its getting even better!

Husband: Is the sexiest man alive...still :)

Honestly, I am so happy we're here. Sometimes I think of wake boarding, or Camelback Mountain, or the lack of DC traffic in Phoenix and I think I miss it there. And maybe a tiny little bit of me misses those things, but there are so many things here that have already made me so much happier than I was in Arizona.
Our ward is AWESOME, and I actually get to go Sunday School and Relief Society for the first time since we've been married! 
We've already made AWESOME friends that I now could not live without. OH, and you know how after you're married you have to "date" other couples, and in order to have a good relationship you have to all four get along, and that's nearly impossible? Well folks, we found them, and its pretty awesome. Like couple-sou-mates or something.

[pardon my ranting....but wait there's more, though slightly unrelated]

okay. I need a little mind detox, bear with me...
1. EVERYBODY and their DOG is pregnant. Ladies younger than me are pregnant with their SECOND. Its  so hard to come to terms with the fact that I am "age-appropriate" for mother-hood. I still feel so young! I AM SO YOUNG! [i don't know how i feel about babies yet, they're cool...right?]
2. I'm slowly evolving into a blonde, its kind of fun! Never thought I'd go there..
3. My Tahoe...I just don't know.
4. Living a half mile from the gym, and the gym not having free parking, is forcing me to do cardio. I'm sure that's probably a good thing.
5. Parking anywhere is kind of ridiculous.
6. I want a puppy..or something else...see number 1
7. The other day I saw a freshly amputated foot, it was pretty grotesque, and grafts and keloids are crazy guys, like super nasty crazy
8. I also visited my first psych ward [don't worry, it was for work, promise]...think one flew over the cuckoo's nest and sucker punch combined. Interesting experience.
9. Taylor and I, and our couple-bffs created a fantasy football team...we might have watched too much of  The League...I don't know anything about football..

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