November- Month Two

    November was crazy busy, I finally felt up to getting out about with just me and Winona, and we went on a lot of mall walks, loop walks, and out to Mesa and Gilbert so Winona could meet some of my favorite people! I had my 6 week appointment with my OBGYN and got the go ahead to start working out again, so Winona made friends with the caregivers and swings at our gym's child care. I have to say, going back to the gym has been so good for me! I didn't realize how much I've missed my weights! I had already lost almost 40 lbs when I started going back, but it really kicked me into gear and by the end of November I was down to 2 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight (distributed VERY differently than before though). 
    November also brought a lot of family into town for Thanksgiving! Since everyone was already here we decided to bless Winona that week as well! She wore a vintage Robinson blessing dress (we aren't quite sure who wore it, but its the only one that fit over her huge baby fists, and would close around her big baby neck without choking her!!). It was the most beautiful blessing and I am so grateful to have the priesthood in our home. It was a wonderful happy day with our family! 
    Winona started smiling this month, big ear to ear grins that leave you feeling all mushy and soft! She met her great grandma Flossie Robinson, her aunties Cari and Annie (from whom she received her middle name, Ann), all her fun cousins, pretty much the whole McClellan side, and our dear friends Brenda and Mariah Tanner this month! Lucky girl!!
    At her two month appointment, Winona got her shots. Everyone told me she would cry for a few minutes and then be fine, so I was really surprised when she hardly made a peep and thought we were fine! After her appointment we went out to Mesa to see family, but two hours later out of nowhere she started screaming and nothing (nursing, rocking, changing her) helped her. She was inconsolable, and I was a wreck with mama guilt not knowing how to help my sweet girl. Luckily my mom was there and told me sometimes babies legs hurt after their shots (why did no one warn me?!?!?) and that it can be delayed for a couple hours. She ran to the store and bought us some baby tylonel, which helped calm her down enough to get her home, take off her clothes which were irritating her, wrap her in a soft blanket and rock her to sleep. The poor dear, my heart was broken, it was the worst. She was crying, I was crying. It was a rough couple days from there, as her legs continued to bother her for almost 3 days. It was THE worst, I am sooooo dreading the 4 month shots next

Winona at two months old:
12 lbs 7 oz
23 inches
15.5 inch head

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