Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica

So me and Taylor have a guilty pleasure that I can't help confess.
Half way through August, while perusing HULU desktop {we got rid of cable/dish} we came across a lovely little show called Caprica, and soon discovered it was a sort of prequel {though made after I believe} to... 

nerdy right?

We immediately located all four season's and began watching, it was LOVE at first viewing!!

Let me just say, that the majority of the time Mrs. President is a close-minded idiot racist {yes, Cylon's are a race, and yes she was SO anti-Cylon}, Gaius Baltar REALLY need to be humbled, Helo and Athena are AWESOME {and Boomer sucks}, and Starbuck {Kara Thrace} never should have married Sam, she was an idiot and should have just admitted that she wanted to be with Lee from the beginning. Also Six is so pretty with long hair but look stupid with short platinum, and why did they never show who Daniel was? I wanted to know! oh, and how the heck did Kara know that song? It never explained how it was connected to the final five, or how her dad knew it in the beginning in order to teach her how to play it!!?? 

back to reality...{oh there goes gravity} I can't believe we finished it so quickly! Now we have to find a new show! {good thing Castle started again, we're all caught up on that one too, now they just need to make more Fireflys...yes we love science fiction}

Other than the end of Battlestar season 4, the last few weeks have been pretty uneventful...aside from ice blocking with Emily and Paul, and wearing my brain out with homework...

In conclusion, I would like to extend a hand of friendship to Dwight Shrute, I used to think him a complete idiot {funny, but ridiculous to the point of absurdity}, I now realize he was at least right with one thing..If you don't watch Battlestar Galactica then you ARE in fact an idiot.

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